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Curacao Vedic Foundation



Fundashon Grupo pa Komunidat

  The Curacao Vedic Foundation, is a group practicing Vedic philosophy at Curacao, believes that knowledge is the prescription for all conflicts and ailments. While trying to apprehend the Vedic strictures , we are offering a knowledge base platform to the world for spiritual uplift and  friendship.  


  :Yotish, Vastu ,Ayurveda
Local History



  Curacao Vedic foundation intends to reach everyone to share the Vedic resolutions that would bring peace, harmony, good health and solutions to conflicts we face everyday.

Vedic Cultures:

-Vedas are the ancient scripts, written in Sanskrit, originated from ancient India, extended far beyond any geographical lines and used around the globe. These ancient scriptures are highly developed sciences, offer a platform  to bring peace, prosperity and philosophical enrichment  of the human civilization.

-The main theme of this foundation to follow Vedic tradition and offer  resolutions those are deeply associated with  our day to day events.

-The scope of the ancient Vedic scriptures, contributed by the eminent  saints and scholars , are adhering to the all the phases and challenges  of life, and offer a direction to every challenges of we face in our day to day routines.

-Curacao Vedic Foundation has a deep root to the Vedic philosophy. Our sincere efforts are dedicated to link Vedic knowledge to  scientific applications for the benefit of man kinds.

-While delineating and comprehending vedic scriptures, Curacao Vedic Foundation is offering the very practical implications of these scriptures.


Vedic Practices

There are four main streams of Vedas, form which numerous scriptures have been evolved to provide guidance  to mankind. These Vedas are Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

-Each Veda is designated to addresses an important state of human life. Few of those states are mentioned below.

bullet Yotish (Celastrial and Horoscope practices)
bullet Ayurveda( alternate medicine)
bullet Vastu (architectural fundamentals
bullet Atharavaveda/Sthapathyaveda). :
bullet Yoga
-Please visit our "knowledge base" documents.

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