Vedic astrology is the modern
name for an ancient system of astrology known in
Sanskrit as "Jyotish" - "Jyoti" being light and "isha"
being lord. Jyotish thus translates into "the Lord
of Light" or "the Knowledge of Light". Modern
science now confirms that all matter/physical,
universe is based upon light and its interplays
which would make Jyotish "the science of light".
Vedic Astrology is a science
dating back to more than 5000 years. Its earliest
origins can however be traced back to the
beginning of the manifest Universe. It passed down
through the ages as an orally transmitted
knowledge and formed an important part of the
Vedas, one of the prime manuscripts containing the
spiritual tradition of India.
Vedic Scriptures known as
'Vedas' describe Jyotish as 'the Eye of the
Vedas'. The world is always there but we cannot
see it without our eyes - in the same way Jyotish
is the light which illumines the universal
knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas.
The Ancient Sages who according
to Vedic Mythology are the mind born sons of
Brahma (one of the Trinity, the Creator of the
Universe in Vedic Mythology), were privy to the
secrets and functioning of the Universe and
transmitted their knowledge orally to their
The instructions of one such
Sage by the name of Parashara were put into text
around 3000 years ago. These writings form the
backbone of present day Vedic Astrology.
Vedic Astrology is thus the
earliest form of Astrology and is a system that
has changed very little over the course of time.
Its precision and accuracy as a divination science
is unrivalled even today.
Vedic Astrology covers every
area of human existence and can give accurate
results down to the minute. Vedic Astrology
encompasses everything ranging from psychology,
healing, prediction, religion and spirituality to
everyday affairs.
Every birth is sacred and brings
with it both positive and difficult karma which
influence our Character, Talents, Relationships,
Career, Finance, Health and Spiritual nature.
There is
nothing one cannot improve or change through
greater self understanding and right application.
Upon this foundation one can take responsibility
for one's Self and direct one's life in a more
positive and meaningful manner. Vedic Astrology
helps you do exactly that.