Anonymous class inner named class : Link, Link
  Inner anonymous class: Link, Link
  • An anonymous class must always extend a super class or implement an interface but it cannot have an explicit extends or implements clause. (An independent parent)
  • An anonymous class must implement all the abstract methods in the super class or the interface. (Must use all the  methods of the parent with it's own.)
  • An anonymous class always uses the default constructor from the super class to create an instance. (Uses parents licenses or credit cards)
  • Mostly used  as a Comparator or creating object on the fly.
  • Anonymous lasses had been used extensively used the past as  to implement listeners on GUIs.
In the example below, we see the steps how an inner-anonymous class is called via method in a parent class, without creating any instance of the anonymous class. This in contrast with the named-inner class, since named has privileged with its own signature from a method you need to create an object first. 
Views of code snippet

Example 1

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ClassTemplate1 {
public ClassTemplate1() 
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public static void main(String[] args) 
		throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
  Process pp = new Process();
	// can't instantiate abstract class
try {
  } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { 
}// end of class template 
//outer class
class Process
public Process() 
{ System.out.println("Process outer constructor");}
public void read_line()
System.out.println("Reading Process outer class :");
  //start of anonymous inner class
       (" Process inner anonymous reader class ");
    }//end of anonymous inner class
}//end read_line method

}//end of class process
Example : 2

import java.util.*;//to use EnumSet, EnumMap classes
public class Test_This {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String str ="";
Process pp = new Process();
System.out.print("Please write your name: ");
str = br.readLine();
catch(NumberFormatException e)
{ System.out.println("data was blank");}
class Process
public Process() { System.out.println("Process outer constructor");}
public int n2; String name="";
public void a_method(String str_method)
//contents of anonymous class
name = this.getClass().getName();
System.out.println("Received at anonymous inner class" + str_method);
System.out.println("Retreive class name at inner class: " + name);
//end method_1
}//end of class process