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Today: Curacao Vedic Community
  We, a group open minded people at Curacao, believe that knowledge is the prescription for all conflicts and ailments. While trying to apprehend the Vedic strictures , we are offering a knowledge base platform to the world for spiritual uplift and  friendship  
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Vastu is a Sanskrit word and derived from a cosmic concept commonly known as "Vastu Purusa Mandala".
  • As a term, Vastu represents an establishment that could be a nation, country or a regular household.
  • As an environment, Vastu can be defined as the first conscious object being composed of five interactive elements, namely, Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Bhumi (earth) and Aakasha (space), which are known as the Panchabhutas.
  • As a phenomenon, Vastu science is founded upon the laws of nature and represents a resultant of bio-energy form of two forces like: positive & negative, yin & yang or  light & dark. A harmony is always accomplished through this phenomenon, this resultant becomes soothing and supportive to the living being.
  • As a religious angle, Vastu Purusa, a demon,  was originated from a drop of Lord Shiva's sweat to ravage the world. To encounter this ravager, all the gods collectively balance out this ravager thus bringing order and peace where there is disorder. Each of the gods have been assigned a specific position, with Brahma occupying the center and 32 deities placed in the peripheral squares according to their importance.
    • The Mandala is a cosmic embody of the subjugated Purusa and shows him with his head towards the north-east and his feet towards the south-west.
    © Created by Arindam Mukherjee, 8th Grade.
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