The following example shows how to Overloading Methods in a class than Overriding Methods using many extended classes. see also Link
  Overloading methods.
  • Overloaded methods supplement  or standby to each other.
  • Overloading methods must differ in different argument lists and/or different types.
  • The return type may be is not restricted in  overloaded methods
  • There is no restriction on exceptions they can throw.
  • Example method type did not matter, you may return as you may wish.

    public class A {
      //methods overloaded
      void do()
      void do(int i)
      void do(float x)
      void do(float x, float y)


Overriding method

  • An overriding method replaces the method contents keeping the format as is declared in an abstract class and then overrides the contents.
  • The rules in the first generation is strict, however loose in the derived classes.
  • An overriding method in the first generation must have argument lists of identical type and order.
  • The return type must be same as in the first generation that of overridden method.
  • Example
 class A extends An_abstractclass{
 public String method_1(String str)
{--do something--- }
 class B extends An_abstractclass{
 public String method_1(String str)
{--do something else--- }
 abstract An_abstractclass
 public String method_1(String str);
Overriding  (re Write as it is from on line )
  • When a class defines a method with same method name, argument types, argument order and return type as a method in its super class, its called method overriding.
  • The method in the super class is said to be overridden by the method in the subclass.
  • Overriding method actually replaces the behavior in super class for a subclass.
  • Rules for overriding
    • Any exceptions declared in overriding method must be of the same type as those thrown by the super class, or a subclass of that type.
    • Methods declared as final access modifier cannot be overridden.
    • An overriding method, when declared as final,  suggests that this method cannot be further overridden.
    • Methods declared as private cannot be overridden as they are not visible outside the class.
  • Overriding method can call the overridden method (just like any other method) in its super class with keyword super.
    The call super.method() will invoke the method of immediate super class.
  • Though keyword super is used to refer super class, method call super.super.method() is invalid.


Overloading ( )
  • If two (or more) methods of a class  have the same name but different parameter signatures, then the method name is said to be overloaded.
  • A class must not declare two methods with the same parameters, else a compile-time error occurs.
  • Only the method name is reused in overloading, so method overloading is actually method name overloading.
  • Overloaded methods may have arguments with different types and order of the arguments may be different.
  • Overloaded methods are not required to have the same return type or the list of thrown exceptions.
  • Overloading is particularly used while implementing several methods that implement similar behavior but for different data types.
  • Overloaded methods are independent methods of a class and can call each other just like any other method.
  • Constructor Overloading
    • Constructors can also be overloaded in similar fashion, as they are also methods.
    • Java has some classes with overloaded constructors. For example, wrapper class for int has two overloaded constructors. One constructor takes int as argument and another takes string argument.
      Integer aNumber = new Integer(2);
      Integer anotherNumber = new Integer("2005");
    • One constructor can call another overloaded constructor of the same class by using this keyword.
    • One constructor can call constructor of its super class by using the super keyword.


import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class Test_This {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String str ="", str1="";int n1=0, n2 = 1;
Process pp = new Process();//object is created
Class gt = pp.getClass();
Method[] mt = gt.getMethods();
System.out.print("Please write your name: ");
str = br.readLine();
if(pp.getClass()== Process.class){
System.out.println("Below cames from class : " + pp.getClass().getName());
System.out.println(pp.method_function(str)); //calling this method using object pp
System.out.println("\tmethod type : " + mt[1].getReturnType().getName());
System.out.print("Please write your age: ");
str = br.readLine();
n1 = Integer.parseInt(str);
System.out.println("\tmethod type : " + mt[2].getReturnType().getName());
System.out.println(pp.method_function(n1)); //calling this method using object pp
catch(NumberFormatException e)
{ System.out.println("data was blank");}

class Process
//class body
public int n1 =12; String name = "";//defined and instantiated a filed
public String method_function(String str)
//function body
name += str.toUpperCase();

System.out.print("Welcome : " );
return name;
public String method_function(int str)
//function body
if (str<=20)
name += " you look like 16 than " + str;
name += "you are under age :";
System.out.println("you entered : " + str);
return name;


Overloading Methods, meaning  same name signature with different parameter types or return type.
I believe the above example has a twitch, method parameter also depends on the user's argument, if you have functions overloaded, the parameter type should differ, typing identical parameter will conflict with each other, the sender will not know which of the twin to get this data. 
Similar string parameter, with different method types, like String an int method types respectively.


Here Integer parameter type conflicted with each other.
This is OK, when you different parameter types, now Java will know where to send
Example 2:

import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class Test_This {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String str ="", str1="";int n1=0, n2 = 1;
Process pp = new Process();//object is created
Class gt = pp.getClass();
Method[] mt = gt.getMethods();
System.out.print("Please write your name: ");
str = br.readLine();

if(pp.getClass()== Process.class){
System.out.println("Below cames from class : " + pp.getClass().getName());
System.out.println(pp.method_function(str)); //calling this method using object pp
System.out.println("\tmethod type : " + mt[1].getReturnType().getName());
System.out.print("Please write your age: ");
str1 = br.readLine();
n1 = Integer.parseInt(str1);
System.out.println("\tmethod type : " + mt[2].getReturnType().getName());
System.out.println(pp.method_function(n1)); //calling this method using object pp
System.out.println("\tmethod type : " + mt[3].getReturnType().getName());
System.out.println(pp.method_function(n1, str)); //calling this method using object pp

catch(NumberFormatException e)
{ System.out.println("data was blank");}

class Process
//class body
public int n1 =12; String name = "";//defined and instantiated a filed
public String method_function(String str)
name += str.toUpperCase();
System.out.print("Welcome from 1: " );
return name;
public String method_function(int x)
//function body
if (x >=20)
name += " you look like 16 than " + x;
name += "you are under age :";

System.out.println("you entered : " + x);
return name;
public int method_function(int strnum,String str)
//function body
n1 += strnum;
System.out.print("Welcome from 3: " + str);
return n1;