SQL Developer 3.2
  • Oracle Database Hierarchies
    • Database-Connection
      • users-account (like HR) : has huge list of functionalites
        • Tables
  • SQLDeveloper
  • connect user(scott)
  • show user
Installing SQL Developer as a separate module

Download 64 bit no jre zip fle.

Wizards will look for java.exe /jdk file, version 1.6 worked for me in this workstation, and 1.7.09 did not configure.

Choose file type to read

Now in the above pane choose local window

Click on HR, password was Son

The scope HR is revealed

As you note, there are 8 tables in HR account.

The scope of SQL-Developer application

show user

Now connecting Scott with password "Son"

You may also directly click on "SCOTT" on the left pane, login with the password, here I used "Son" as my password. You may query to find out the list of table s under the scot account or simply expand the node

Now Sky is the limit