Clustering is a process of storing data as a hard copy on the disk, and it enhances the performance of joining tables. Since the location or address of the clusters are defined, it reduces processing time.
CREATE CLUSTER winevintage
(vintage varchar2(20))
SIZE 512 ;

CREATE INDEX id_wineflat ON CLUSTER winevintage;

CREATE TABLE vintage_1999
CLUSTER winevintage (vintage)
AS SELECT * FROM wineflat WHERE vintage = '1999';

select producer, varietal, supplier, country, vintage from vintage_1999

Now you create other table

select producer, varietal, supplier, country, vintage from vintage_2000

Complete Code:

drop cluster winevintage INCLUDING tables;
CREATE CLUSTER winevintage
(vintage varchar2(20))
SIZE 512 ;

CREATE INDEX id_wineflat ON CLUSTER winevintage;
CREATE TABLE vintage_1999
CLUSTER winevintage (vintage)
AS SELECT * FROM wineflat WHERE vintage = '1999';

CREATE TABLE vintage_2000
CLUSTER winevintage(vintage)
AS SELECT * FROM wineflat WHERE vintage = '2000';

CREATE TABLE vintage_2001
CLUSTER winevintage (vintage)
AS SELECT * FROM wineflat WHERE vintage= '2001';