This is a part of the BareBone-Library, which would work like index cards with work-flow and key codes. Here one of the basic use this API is to develop and test J2EE API in a intranet set up.

  • In this document we would create a simple jsp page and work out some options like configuring "Application Server", "Connection to a database and it's contents"



Step 1: My physical folder in XP-Pro (windows classic folder view)

The folder jdev will hold all  my web-applications

Step:2 Below is the overview of JDeveloper workspace or table or bench as you feel like calling, but don't fail to note that you don't have to break your head to load and tune a server. You local host will take you computer name as an intranet domain; and this domain is viewable across the internet.



<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Simple JSP</title>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
function LinkUp()
var number = document.DropDown.DDlinks.selectedIndex;
location.href = document.DropDown.DDlinks.options[number].value;
The Time is
<%= new java.util.Date() %><br>
<a href="">FrontierSoft</a><br>
<FONT color="#003399"><STRONG>This is a simple jsp created with Oracle JDeveloper IDE
<form NAME="DropDown">
<select NAME="DDlinks" onClick="LinkUp(this.form)" multiple >
<option value="Value 1"><a href="">FrontierSoft</a></option>
<option value="Value 2"><a href="">Oracle</a></option>

Runtime view

which is

Step: 3 Some extended information of the Navigator Pane:

Applications-Navigator pane

The application server allows you to configure a server

and so on

Connecting to Data-Base 10g

Once you complete the above you will notice that DBConnection1 is appeared under DataBase tree menu.