  • Compiling from  Command line
  • Fix set path error
You can learn java using many different tools, GUI's, and also from the command line viewing output in the command window or as an applet that opens with a web browser. (LINK) 
Encountering problem when you many versions of Java are loaded. see the images below. In this workstation both settings worked fine.
  • set classpath=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin
  • set classpath=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin

java 1.5 was loaded


I also loaded Sun creator in the same machine.


This problem occured, after installing at&t digital modem/router(2wire, that also installed java.exe in 2wire folder) that caused a problem in that particular workstation. The environment setting had "C:\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin" in the path. The problem only resolved by directing the current folder where java codes were compiled
  • C:\myjava>set classpath=c:\myjava
  • C:\myjava\operators>set classpath=c:\myjava\operators