• Uniform seamless application: Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) that designed to run seamlessly across screens of desktop, mobile, or IP TV and others,providing a uniform user experience.
  • Rich Client platform: with easy integrations of audio, video , animation and graphics. 

A) Overview of a web-project

B) coding style of JSP : contains a HTML block

Configuration support with XML :

Machineries behind: GlassFishServer

Displaying a JSP page over a browser of a standard desktop.

JavaFX as a desktop application: Supporting drives from different databases.

Multiple Runtime windows:

Runtime display of JavaFX as a Stand Alone or in a browser:

The above project was created as a standalone, and I just wanted to show you the insight of a runtime choices, to run your application on a browser with adequate makeovers and codings.

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Usually this one will not go anywhere, due to security and coding conventions.