  • StackPaned and Group
  • StackPane is a layout-manager, lays out its children in a back-to-front stack.
    • root node refers to the top-most node in the scene.
    • The z-order of the children is defined by the order of the children list with the 0th child being the bottom and last child on top. If a border and/or padding have been set, the children will be laid out within those insets.
  • The stackpane will attempt to resize each child to fill its content area. If the child could not be sized to fill the stackpane (either because it was not resizable or its max size prevented it) then it will be aligned within the area using the alignment property, which defaults to Pos.CENTER
  • Group is a container like Pane::StackPane, but is not a layout manager; it places its children in absolute coordinates.
    • a chart at x=10 and y=10 would work with Group but would not work with StackPane
  • A Group node contains an Observable List of children that are rendered in order whenever this node is rendered. (ref )
    • A Group will take on the collective bounds of its children and is not directly resizable.
    • By default, a Group will "auto-size" its managed resizable children to their preferred sizes during the layout pass to ensure that Regions and Controls are sized properly as their state changes.
  • A Group is not resizable (meaning that its size is not managed by its parent in the scene graph), and takes on the union of the bounds of its child nodes. (So, in other words, the local bounds of a Group will be the smallest rectangle containing the bounds of all the child nodes). If it is larger than the space it is allocated in its parent, it will be clipped

Runtime displays: