• import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.String.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    //javac string_toString.java
    class string_toString{
    public static void main(String arguments[])throws IOException
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
    //needs throws IOException
    System.out.print("Type some thing : ");
    String str =br.readLine();
    System.out.println("--c_space = words[i].toCharArray() displays words;--");
    String[] words = str.split (" ");
    int m1 = words.length;
    int m4 = str.indexOf("");
    System.out.println ("No of words are : " +m1);
    char[] c_space = new char[m1];

    for (int i =0; i <= m1-1; i++)
    c_space = words[i].toCharArray();
    System.out.print("char[] c_space is: ");
    System.out.println ("\twords[i] in round: " + i + " " + words[i]);
    System.out.println ("\tc_space.length :" + c_space.length);
    System.out.println("\tAddress of c_space.toString() : "+ c_space.toString() );
    }//end for loop

    String: substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
    String : static String valueOf(char[] data)
