Filenames and Pathnames
e13. Constructing a Filename Path
e14. Converting Between a Filename Path and a URL
e15. Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename Path
e16. Determining If Two Filename Paths Refer to the Same File
e17. Getting the Parents of a Filename Path
e18. Determining If a Filename Path Is a File or a Directory

e19. Determining If a File or Directory Exists
e20. Creating a File
e1071. Copying One File to Another
e21. Getting the Size of a File
e22. Deleting a File
e23. Creating a Temporary File
e24. Renaming a File or Directory
e25. Moving a File or Directory to Another Directory
e26. Getting and Setting the Modification Time of a File or Directory
e27. Forcing Updates to a File to the Disk

e28. Getting the Current Working Directory
e29. Creating a Directory
e1072. Copying a Directory
e30. Deleting a Directory
e31. Listing the Files or Subdirectories in a Directory
e32. Listing the File System Roots
e33. Traversing the Files and Directories Under a Directory

Reading and Writing
e34. Reading Text from Standard Input
e35. Reading Text from a File
e36. Reading a File into a Byte Array
e37. Writing to a File
e38. Appending to a File
e39. Using a Random Access File

e40. Reading UTF-8 Encoded Data
e41. Writing UTF-8 Encoded Data
e42. Reading ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data
e43. Writing ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data

e44. Serializing an Object
e45. Deserializing an Object
e46. Implementing a Serializable Singleton

e47. Tokenizing Java Source Code