Comparing Constructor in Structs and Class
  • Error 1 Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors 
  • Command line Console error CS0568

Code Used :


Error :
  • Error 1 Field 'ConsoleApplication1.SimpleStruct.n1' must be fully assigned before control is returned to the caller
  • test1.cs(12,16): error CS0171: Field 'ConsoleApplication1.SimpleStruct.n1' must
    be fully assigned before control is returned to the caller.

Compiled Codes :

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
struct SimpleStruct
int n1; string str1;
public SimpleStruct(int x)
n1 = x; str1 = "Sturct string variable";
Console.WriteLine("---1st Constructor---");
Console.WriteLine(" Received Integer " + x);
public SimpleStruct(string x) {
str1 = x; n1 = 12;
Console.WriteLine("---2nd Constructor---");
Console.WriteLine("Received string " + str1);
class SimpleClass
public SimpleClass()
{ Console.WriteLine("---parameterless class constructor---"); }
~SimpleClass() { Console.WriteLine("---parameterless class destructor---"); }

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SimpleStruct st1 = new SimpleStruct(24);
SimpleStruct st3 = new SimpleStruct("Hello struct");
SimpleClass sc1 = new SimpleClass();


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