Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder Constructors Overload List
Name Description
StringBuilder Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

StringBuilder (Int32) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class using the specified capacity.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

 StringBuilder (String) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class using the specified string.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

StringBuilder (Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class that starts with a specified capacity and can grow to a specified maximum.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

StringBuilder (String, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class using the specified string and capacity.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

 StringBuilder (String, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilder class from the specified substring and capacity.

Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Name Description
Capacity Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be contained in the memory allocated by the current instance.
 Chars Gets or sets the character at the specified character position in this instance.
 Length Gets or sets the length of the current  StringBuilder object.
 MaxCapacity Gets the maximum capacity of this instance.
  Name Description
Append Overloaded. Appends the string representation of a specified object to the end of this instance.
AppendFormat Overloaded. Appends a formatted string, which contains zero or more format specifications, to this instance. Each format specification is replaced by the string representation of a corresponding object argument.
AppendLine Overloaded. Appends the default line terminator, or a copy of a specified string and the default line terminator, to the end of this instance.
CopyTo Copies the characters from a specified segment of this instance to a specified segment of a destination Char array.
EnsureCapacity Ensures that the capacity of this instance of StringBuilder is at least the specified value.
Equals Overloaded. Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
GetHashCode  Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (inherited from Object)
GetType  Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object)
Insert Overloaded. Inserts the string representation of a specified object into this instance at a specified character position.
ReferenceEquals  Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object)
Remove Removes the specified range of characters from this instance.
Replace Overloaded. Replaces all occurrences of a specified character or string in this instance with another specified character or string.
ToString Overloaded. Overridden. Converts the value of a StringBuilder to a String.