Interface is a handle or contract   to access a COM object
Explicit implementation and Multiple Inheritance, can be resolved through inheritance

Code Used:

using System;
//csc Interface_Inheritance2.cs
namespace ConsoleApplication1
interface Iparty
{ void eprint(); }
interface Ifood
{ void eprint(); }
public class RF :Ifood
public void eprint()
{ Console.WriteLine("Food is Ready for"); }
public class RP : Ifood
public void eprint()
{ Console.WriteLine("Birthday Party"); }
class Programm
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Name conflict Resovled through Objects");
RF r1 = new RF(); RP r2 = new RP();
r1.eprint(); r2.eprint();

Below shows a masking effect of an inherted member by a local due to name conflicts.
Name conflicts are handled very efficiently with the objects.