Abstract class is an incomplete class, which is expected to be changed down the road and must be inherited by a class and a method override method will do the job
    //csc interface_abstract.cs
using System;

namespace soccer
	interface team
		string method_1(string str);
		string method_2(string str);
//abstract class A : team
//note the error when a method is abstract and class in not an abstract
 class A : team
public abstract string method_1(string str); public abstract string method_2(string str);
} class B : A { public override string method_1(string str) { Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str;} public override string method_2(string str) { Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str ;} } class test: B { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Player for team 1 : "); string s1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Player for team 2 : "); string s2 = Console.ReadLine(); B b = new B(); b.method_1(s1); b.method_2(s2); } } }
You must override the method
    //csc interface_abstract_1.cs
using System;

namespace soccer
	interface team
		string method_1(string str);
		string method_2(string str);
//abstract class A : team
//note the error when a method is abstract and class in not an abstract
 abstract class A : team
		public abstract string method_1(string str);
		public abstract string method_2(string str);
	class B : A
	//public override string method_1(string str)
       { Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str;}
	public string method_1(string str)
	{ Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str;}
	public override string method_2(string str)
	{ Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str ;}
	class test: B
		public static void Main(string[] args)
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 1 : ");
		string s1 = Console.ReadLine();
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 2 : ");
		string s2 = Console.ReadLine();
		B b = new B();

now let us correct all the code and compile

    //csc interface_abstract.cs
using System;

namespace soccer
	interface team
		string method_1(string str);
		string method_2(string str);
abstract class A : team
		public abstract string method_1(string str);
		public abstract string method_2(string str);
	class B : A
	public override string method_1(string str)
	{ Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str;}
	public override string method_2(string str)
	Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + str); return str ;}
	class test: B
		public static void Main(string[] args)
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 1 : ");
		string s1 = Console.ReadLine();
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 2 : ");
		string s2 = Console.ReadLine();
		B b = new B();
Now let us return the output from the method to the caller
    //csc interface_abstract_return.cs
using System;

namespace soccer
	interface team
		string method_1(string str);
		string method_2(string str);
abstract class A : team
		public abstract string method_1(string str);
		public abstract string method_2(string str);
	class B : A
	public override string method_1(string str){  return str;}
	public override string method_2(string str){ return str ;}
	class test: B
	   public static void Main(string[] args)
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 1 : ");
		string s1 = Console.ReadLine();
		Console.WriteLine("Player for team 2 : ");
		string s2 = Console.ReadLine();
		B b = new B();
		Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + b.method_1(s1));
		Console.WriteLine(" Hello : " + b.method_2(s2));