using System;
//compile csc test2.cs
class test2
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Know C# Now: and it is very simple and easy.
  • Built in namespaces like system. When you are referring you need to use a key word like using.
    • e.g.. using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using System.Text;
  • Start of your custom namespace


    • Your class starts e.g. class do_something
      • {

        method or function starts



        method ends

      • }
    • Your class do_something
    • A class that stands as an Entry point

      public static void Main()


                      your code that will retrieve output /work done by the other classes



  •  End of your custom namespace

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
//start with custom namespace
namespace string_maipulation
class stringhandler
public void joinarry()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
stringhandler ss = new stringhandler();

}//end of the namespace

  • Declaration: A class is declared with a key word "class". The accessor "public" or private or protected should be the first one to begin with

public class test
    //Fields, properties, methods and events go here...
 // these are class members


  • Instantiation:
    using System;
//compile csc class_object.cs
public class explain_class

public string str = "string variable in class";
public int n = 123456;
public explain_class() { Console.WriteLine("constructor Evoked ");}
~explain_class() { Console.WriteLine("destructor Evoked ");}
public void write()

class test2
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
// creating an instance and objects
explain_class ec1 = new explain_class();
//object ec is created with new key word.
// when you write explain_class ec; 
//an object is created without a refenece
// referencing object to object is allowed
explain_class ec2 = ec1;
//here ec1 and ec2 refer to the same object reference
//access a string variable with an object created from  explain_class 
Console.WriteLine("Acessing an sring variable :" + ec1.str);
// access a non static variable
Console.WriteLine("Acessing an Integer variable : " + ec1.n);
// access method using objects