// Namespace Declaration
//File location : C:\BareBone_CSharp\Source_Code\Template
using System;
//csc test_stack3.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Peek : Returns the object at the top
//of the Stack without removing it
namespace test_stack2

class CsharpTemplate
// Main begins program execution.
static void Main(string[] str)
Stack stack1 = new Stack();
stack1.Push("1 =Jan");
stack1.Push("2 =Feb");
stack1.Push("3 =Mar");
stack1.Push("4 =Apr");
stack1.Push("5 =May");
IEnumerable c = stack1;
foreach(Object obj in c)
Console.Write(obj + " ");
Console.WriteLine( "");
Console.WriteLine( "--POP -");
Console.WriteLine("POP this "+ stack1.Pop() + " ");
foreach(Object obj in c)
Console.Write(obj + " " );
Console.WriteLine( "");
Console.WriteLine( "--peek -");
Console.WriteLine("Peek This " + stack1.Peek() + " ");
foreach(Object obj in c)
Console.Write(obj + " " );