#include #include using namespace std; // declaraing all functions // an alternate choice to a template // an alternate choice of using Gererics. // -----To Display an integer void Show(int value); //------To Display double-precesion value void Show(double value); // -----To Display a string void Show(string value); int main() { cout<<("Hello World: This is a preface \n To genreics via template\n"); Show(32); Show(1234.50); Show(" Display this String"); return 0; } // Display the value of an integer void Show(int value) { cout<< "\n parameter integer: " <<(value); } // Display the value of a double-precesion value void Show(double value) { cout<< "\n parameter dauble: "<<(value); } // Display the value of a character void Show(string value) { cout<< "\n parameter string : "<<(value); }