#include #include //myRtnPtrToArray1.cpp // retruning an array element using pointer // passing array refernce to a function using namespace std; int *aptr1; int showArray(int a[]); int main() { cout<<"\n Local operations ---> \n"; int x1=2, x2= 4, x3= 6, x4 = 8; cout<< "" <<" x1,x2,x3,x4 \n " << x1 << ", "<"; cout <<"\n the last element returned "<"; cout<<"\n local confirms address "<< *aptr1 << " at " << &aptr1 ; return 0; } int showArray(int a[]) { cout<<"\n Remote procedure -->"; for( int i =0; i < 4; i++) { aptr1 = &a[i]; //*ptr1 *= 2; cout<<"\n array element : "<