#include using namespace std; // using addrress of operator & int p1; // declare an integer variable int *p2; // declaring pointer to integer p1 // pointer *p2 will return value of p1 int *p3; int main(void) { // initialzing or assiging value to avaiable p1 = 200; p2 = &p1;// gets the address of p1 cout << "\nwhat is p1 " << p1; cout << "\nwhat is &p1 " << &p1; cout << "\nwhat is p2 " << p2; cout << "\nwhat is *p2 " << *p2; cout<< "\n saving in an another location"; cout << "\nwhat is &p2 " << &p2; cout << "\nwhat is *p2 " << *p2; cout<< "\n ---pointet to pointer----"; p3 = p2 ; cout << "\nwhat is p3 " << p3; cout << "\nwhat is *p3 " << *p3; cout << "\nwhat is &p3 " << &p3; }