#define Char_MAX 127 #define Char_MIN -127 #include #include using namespace std; // assignment, addition, concat int main() { string str1, str2, str3;// defining string variable char ch1, ch2; // definining two char data-type char ch3[2];// character array that can hold two indeces // out-put operator << cout << "\n define Char_MAX "<< Char_MAX << "\n define Char_Min "<< Char_MIN ; ch1 = 'A'; // assigned value to ch1 ch2 = 'B'; // assigned value to ch1 cout << "\n char data type ch1 : " << ch1; cout << "\n char data type ch1 : " << ch2; cout << "\n Creating two char array indices "; ch3[0] = ch1; ch3[1] = ch2; cout << "\n char data type indices : ch3[0] " << ch3[0]; cout << "\n char data type indices : ch3[1] " << ch3[1]; cout << "\n Concatination : string datatype "; str1 = ch3[0]+ ch3[1]; //yeilds unpredeicted value cout << "\n Wrong contatination str1 = ch3[0]+ ch3[1] : " << str1 <