#include #include // c cstring using namespace std; //string_iteration_Cstrtok1.cpp int main() { char * chptr1, *chptr2; string str ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); string str1 ("The quick, brown fox, jumps over, the lazy dog"); string str3; //new dynamic meomory location, string to char pointer //Operators new and new[] chptr1 = new char [str.size()+1]; strcpy (chptr1, str.c_str()); // pointer to pointer chptr2=strtok (chptr1," "); while (chptr2!=NULL) { cout << chptr2 << endl; chptr2=strtok(NULL," "); } // new object must be deleted //Operators delete and delete[] delete[] chptr1; cout << "---------------\n"; for(int i=0; i