C# : Data conversion : Explicit & Implicit Data Conversion

Implicit Data conversion example (also read keyword implicit and explicit)  Explicit Conversion
The data type conversion is an important aspect of any object oriented programming.
 using System;
//csc implicit_explicit.cs
namespace try_imex
public class im_ex
public im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Constructor Evoked");}
~im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Destructor Evoked");}

	public double  test_implicit(int xn, double xd)
	    int i = xn;
	    double d = xd;
	    // An implicit conversion, no data will be lost.
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i : " + i + "  And What is d : " + d);
	    // since it is a value type data it will not change i in the above line
	    // the line below will throw an error about 
	    i = d;
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i again: " + i + "  And What is d again: " + d);
	    return(i + d);
//class im_ex ends
class test
public static void Main()
im_ex imex = new im_ex();
Console.WriteLine("Enter an Intger");
int nn = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter an Double");
double dd = Int64.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//calling the method
//namespace try_imex ends

Now remark // i =d ; 
    using System;
//csc implicit_explicit_1.cs
namespace try_imex
public class im_ex
public im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Constructor Evoked");}
~im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Destructor Evoked");}

	public double  test_implicit(int xn, double xd)
	    int i = xn;
	    double d = xd;
	    // An implicit conversion, no data will be lost.
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i : " + i + "  And What is d : " + d);
	    // since it is a value type data it will not change i in the above line
	    // the line below will throw an error about 
	    //i = d;
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i again: " + i + "  And What is d again: " + d);
	    return(i + d);

//class im_ex ends
class test
public static void Main()
	im_ex imex = new im_ex();
	Console.WriteLine("Enter an Intger");
	string str = Console.ReadLine();
	int nn = Int32.Parse(str);
	Console.WriteLine("Enter an Double");
 	str = Console.ReadLine();
	double dd = double.Parse(str);
	//calling the method
	imex.test_implicit(nn, dd);
//namespace try_imex ends
Now convert int data to double implicitly

 using System;
//csc implicit_explicit_2.cs
namespace try_imex
public class im_ex
public im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Constructor Evoked");}
~im_ex() { Console.WriteLine("Destructor Evoked");}

	public double  test_implicit(int xn, double xd)
	    int i = xn;
	    double d = xd;
	    // An implicit conversion, no data will be lost.
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i := " + i + "  And What is d := " + d);
	    // since it is a value type data it will not change i in the above line
	    // the line below will throw an error about 
	    //i = d; 
	    //reverse will implicit (automatically) convert 
	    d = i;
	    Console.WriteLine("what is i again:= " + i + "  And What is d again: " + d);
	    return(i + d);

//class im_ex ends
class test
	public static void Main()
		im_ex imex = new im_ex();
		Console.WriteLine("Enter an Intger");
		string str = Console.ReadLine();
		int nn = Int32.Parse(str);
		Console.WriteLine("Enter an Double");
 		str = Console.ReadLine();
		double dd = double.Parse(str);
		//calling the method
		imex.test_implicit(nn, dd);
//namespace try_imex ends