#include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declaring integer variable and defining later int n2, n3 ; // declaring a string variable and //defined with constant values string str2 = "this is string constant"; char ch1[30]= "This char array constant"; cout<<"\n sizeof(ch1) "<< sizeof(ch1); n2 = str2.length(); cout<<"\n str2.length() "<< n2; // integer declared and defined with a constant value int n1 = 12 ; // this is integer constatnt // float data type float f1 = 12.24; //declared and intialized float f2; // declared but not defined/initialized // Binary Operator like XOR ^ n3 = (n1 * 10 ^ 2); //f2 = f1 * (f1 * 10 ^ 2); f2 = f1 +( (n1 * 10)^2); cout<<"\n "<< n3 << "---" << f2; ; int b1 = 5, b2 = 10, b3; b3 = b1^b2; cout<< "\n bitwise ^ " << b3; b3 = b1&&b2; cout<< "\n bitwise & " << b3; return 0; }